JJs lunchtime Deal


Lunch deal adult
Lunch Deal age 5 and under
No Lunch Deal Adult


Introducing our latest deal..

The lunch special 🍽

Pop along to our 12pm session on Mondays - Fridays (term-time), the wee ones can have a play and some lunch.

For only £6.50 children under 5 can pick from the choice of a ham, cheese or jam sandwich, crisps and a cup of juice/milk including entry fee. 🥪🍞🧃

We’ve not forgotten about the adults.. for £6.50 adults can enjoy a cold filled salad roll (ham, cheese or tuna) OR a toastie (ham,cheese, tuna, onion, tomato) with crisps and a hot drink including entry fee. 🥪🧀🍅🧅☕️

Please note; This deal starts on Monday 17th June (Term-time only). Please book online in advance or give us a call/message quoting ‘lunchtime deal’.